




1. sunscreen 防曬乳
2. makeup base / primer 妝前乳/隔離霜
3. liquid foundation 粉底液
4. cream foundation 粉霜
5. stick foundation 粉條
6. compact cake 附鏡盒的粉餅
7. loose powder 蜜粉
8. concealer 遮瑕膏
9. blush 腮紅


1. mascara 睫毛膏
  ‧ lengthening 加長型
  ‧ volumizing 濃密型
  ‧ moisturizing 滋潤型
  ‧ curling 捲翹型
  ‧ waterproof 防水型
2. false/fake (eye)lashes 假睫毛
3. eyeliner 眼線
4. eye shadow 眼影
5. eyebrow pencil 眉筆
6. eyebrow powder 眉粉


1. lipstick 口紅
2. lip liner 唇筆
3. lip gloss 唇彩、唇蜜
4. lip balm 護唇膏


1. tweezers 鑷子
2. cotton swab/Q-tip 棉花棒
3. cotton pad 化妝棉
4. sponge 海綿
5. puff 粉撲
6. brush 刷子
7. eyelash curler 睫毛夾
8. eyebrow trimmer 修眉刀
9. pencil sharpener 削筆器
10. oil-absorbing sheet 吸油面紙




1. toner 調理水、化妝水
2. lotion 化妝水、乳液
3. cream 乳霜
4. serum/essence 精華液
5. oil 油
6. gel 凝膠
7. clay 泥
8. mousse 慕斯
9. foam 泡沫
10. powder 粉末
11. mask 面膜
12. spray 噴霧


1. moisturizing 保溼
2. whitening/lightening 美白
3. brightening 亮白
4. balancing 油水平衡
5. exfoliating 去角質
6. oil control 控油
7. pore minimizing 縮毛孔
8. anti-wrinkle 抗皺
9. anti-aging 抗老化
10. firming 緊實
11. tightening 緊縮
12. redefining 活能新生
13. renewal 活膚修復
14. spot treatment 淡斑、治痘



1. Do you have any samples I can try? (有試用品可以讓我用用看嗎?)
2. I'll try it first. If I like it, I'll come back. (我先試用, 如果有喜歡, 我會再回來買)
3. Excuse me, could you show me how to put on this eye shadow? (不好意思, 你可以示範給我看怎麼用這款眼影嗎?)
4. Can you apply a little on my face so I can see how it looks? (你可以試一點在我臉上, 讓我看看效果如何嗎?)
5. Do you have a foundation that's good for touch ups? (你們有適合補妝的粉底嗎?)
6. I hear that your moisturizers work really well. Can you recommend one? (聽說你們的保溼產品很有效, 可以推薦一種嗎?)
7. I'm interested in this eyeliner. Could you tell me more about it? (我對這款眼線很有興趣, 可以幫我介紹一下嗎?)
8. What is this lotion for? (這乳液的功效是什麼?)
9. Which of these should I put on/apply first? (這些我要先用哪一個?)
10. I've used the same brand for years, and I'd like to try something new. (我用同一個牌子好多年了, 我想換新的試試看)
11. What color do you recommend? (你推薦什麼顏色?)
12. What are the best-selling colors? (最暢銷的顏色是什麼?)
13. What colors are hot this season? (這季流行什麼顏色?)
14. Are there any free gifts? (有送贈品嗎?)
15. Are there any promotions coming up? (最近有什麼特惠活動嗎?)



參考資料: 海外生活會話通






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