

1. a glutton for work 工作狂
例句:My supervisor is a glutton for work. That's why I can never get off work on time. (我的上司是個工作狂,所以我總是無法準時下班)

2. pull rank (on somebody) 拿職位壓人
rank是階級的意思,"pull rank"可以指「擺架子」,也就是用位階壓人。
例句:I don't like to work with somebody who likes to pull rank. (我不喜歡和擺架子的人一起工作)
   Don't pull rank on this poor girl. (別拿職位來壓這位可憐的女孩)

3. head cook and bottle-washer 校長兼工友
美國有句俚語"What's cooking?",不是在問人煮什麼,是問人「到底出了什麼事?」。因此,"head cook and bottle-washer"也跟廚師無關,而是指「什麼都管的人」。
例句:In a small company, I have to be the head cook and the bottle-washer. (在小公司裡,我必須校長兼工友)

4. work like a plow horse / a horse 馬不停蹄地工作
中文是說「做牛做馬」,英文則是說"work like a plow horse",意思是不停的工作。
例句:In order to afford this apartment, I work like a plow horse every day. (為了負擔這棟公寓,我每天馬不停蹄地工作)

5. dirty work 吃力不討好的差事
"dirty work"並不是指做很髒的工作,而是指做一些讓人不愉快的、討厭的、吃力不討好的工作。
例句:My supervisor always asks me to do the dirty work. (我的上司總是要求我去做吃力不討好的差事)

6. rat on somebody 打小報告
例句:Gary ratted on me. That's why I couldn't get promotion this year. (Gary打我小報告,所以我今年沒有獲得升遷)

7. come down on somebody like a ton of bricks 罵得狗血淋頭
例句:If you were late for work, the boss would come down on you like a ton of bricks. (如果你上班遲到,老闆會把你罵得狗血淋頭)




參考資料: 戒掉爛英文2







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