

 Find your feet找到你的腳?!  

像是find your feet,若按字面翻譯成「找到你的腳」,這樣翻的話可會讓人啼笑皆非的,是不是有點讓人摸不著頭緒呢?這句的意思是「適應新環境」,可以試著去想像,到一個新環境,對什麼都不熟悉,感覺會暈頭轉向,但隨著對新環境愈來愈熟悉,最後適應了,也就「找到腳」了,這樣解釋是不是就比較清楚了呢?






1. Head start  搶先的,有利的開始

EX. I have already prepared my pastry, so I will have a head start in tomorrow’s cookery class.

2. A weight off your shoulders 如釋重負

EX. Thank goodness that exam is over; it really is a weight off my shoulders.

3. Gut feeling.   直覺

EX. I have a terrible gut feeling about that Goblin. He just doesn’t seem like boyfriend material.

4. Joined at the hip.  像連體嬰般 (形影不離)

EX. Suzie and James are joined at hip. I don’t know what they will do when he has to go away to university.

5. Achilles’ heel  致命弱點

EX. The Snafflepus’ love of chocolate was his Achilles’ heel; he had no real chance of ever winning the world diet championships.

6. Find your feet  調整適應 (新環境/ 狀況)

EX. I really like my new job but it is going to take me a while to find my feet.

7. Weak at the knees  「腿軟」,情緒激動到快要跪下了

EX. I went weak at the knees when Steven walked into the room.

8. Hands are tied  無能為力

EX. I would like to help you to get planning permission to build a windmill, but my hands are tied.

9. Pain in the neck.  惹人討厭的事或人

EX. The fact I have to pick John up from the airport this evening is a real pain in the neck.

10. A sight for sore eyes.  美麗的景象

EX. I have missed you so much; you really are a sight for sore eyes








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